Using dynamic clamp to quantify pathological changes in the excitability of primary somatosensory neurons
Petri Takkala and Steven A. Prescott
Publication Date: June 1, 2018
Journal: The Journal of Physiology
Primary somatosensory neurons normally respond to somatic depolarization with transient spiking but can switch to repetitive spiking under pathological conditions. This switch in spiking pattern reflects a qualitative change in spike initiation dynamics and contributes to the hyperexcitability associated with chronic pain.
Neurons can be converted to repetitive spiking by adding a virtual conductance using dynamic clamp. By titrating the conductance to determine how much must be added to cause repetitive spiking, we found that small cells are more susceptible to switching (i.e. required less added conductance) than medium–large cells.
By measuring how much less conductance is required to cause repetitive spiking when dynamic clamp was combined with other pathomimetic manipulations (e.g. application of inflammatory mediators), we measured how much each manipulation facilitated repetitive spiking.
Our results suggest that many pathological factors facilitate repetitive spiking but that the switch to repetitive spiking requires the cumulative effect of many co‐occurring factors.